How to Seriously Upgrade Your Decor—using Hot Glue

Have some glue sticks lying around? Here are a few truly creative craft ideas using hot glue. Make some decor for your home or give these bright and beautiful accents as gifts!
The best part? When you use hot glue, you can customize your design every time.
Use hot glue to make your own stencils
Next, rub some vegetable oil on the sheet. This will keep your hot glue creation from sticking to the wax paper.
First, grab some wax paper. Tear off a sheet and lay it out on your counter.
After that, grab some hot glue and trace or free hand a shape. You can draw your design first and hot glue over it or just let the design come to you as you go.
Once your hot glue has dried, peel the glue from the wax paper. If there is any wax paper stuck to the back of your DIY stencil, soak it in water, rub it & it will dissolve right off.
Next, mix some watercolor fabric paint in a spray bottle with 1/2 water.
I tried it on a throw pillow cover here and it worked perfectly! This may be the easiest method for refreshing old decor that I've ever tried.
Lay your hot glue stencil on your desired item and spray your paint mixture all around it. This will create the inverse of your image on your surface.
*You can try this with bleach if you're feeling brave! It will create a really cool washed out version of your design.
You can also pounce or brush on fabric paint instead of spraying it on if you want a more textured look.
This is another design I created with hot glue. See what I mean? Totally customizable!
It's so easy to totally transform the look of your couch or bed!
You can create all shapes and sizes!
Start by grabbing a bowl with a wide mouth (if it narrows again at the mouth, it won't work very well for this trick.
Turn your bowl over and spread Vaseline onto it. Rub off the excess with a paper towel - you don't want it to be too slippery.
These stencils are reusable too - simply wash them off and use them over & over!
Create hot glue catchall bowls
Start by adding a daub of hot glue to the center of the bottom of your bowl. Moving out from that point, build out your textured design around the bowl.
I added scallops one on top of the other to create this semi-petaled look. You could also do swirls or more intricate lace-like patterns. It all depends on your level of skill and patience.
Once your hot glue is completely dry, slip your finger tips between the glue and the bowl and begin to peel the whole "shell" off the bowl.
Finally, paint your catchall bowl any color of your choosing. I liked how it looked with a little bit of shine and glimmer.
There you have it! Duel style and storage for almost $0.
It also makes a super cute candle holder, if you're into that.
Fake a high-end metal decor look
Start to create your desired pattern with the hot glue. I added dots to the front of my decorative symbol and lines along the sides.
First, grab a cardboard letter or some other bit of totally un-glamorous decor. This will work on most surfaces.
Next, I added some silver paint to create the base of my metal patina. Don't forget all the grooves &details!
I was going for that raised bumpy look you see on industrial metal accents and milk glass.
Then, I patted on & wiped off furniture glaze to give it an industrial faux metal look!
This is such an inexpensive fun way to add an industrial feel to a shelf or table.
Make colorful hot glue place mats
It's easier to do than you'd think. This was my first time experimenting with furniture wax and it turned out great!
You'll be so excited to show these off at your next event!
First, lay down some wax paper.
Take a plate out of your cabinet, lay it upside down on your wax paper, and trace around it. If you need a trick to keep your circle from getting lopsided, tie a string to a marker and then hold the string at the center point of your plate and swing the marker around the plate on the wax paper. This should give you a consistent diameter.
After that, trace your circle with hot glue. Once you have your basic shape, begin criss-crossing back and forth across your circle.
You're going for a sort of hot glue web. The more layers and lines you create, the sturdier your place mat will be.
Let it dry & then peel your hot glue mat off the paper.
An voila, you have a personalized place mat!
I hope this inspires you to create your own hot glue home decor.
Remember to check out the video at the top of this page for more how-to's!
Next, add a coat of spray paint.
Frequently asked questions
Have a question about this project?
I would think the hot glue would break up, or if something got on it, how do you wash it off... I.e., a placemat.
I love your flooring in the background. Could you tell me about it, please?
What to do with a glass lamp shade that all of the white paint flaked off on the inside? It was on a pendant lamp