Grab an Old Shutter for This Multi Purpose Kitchen Idea!

Next time you're at a flea market grab an old shutter for this gorgeous farmhouse kitchen idea!
Check out the video for more how-to's!
Begin by scraping the shutter of any old paint or dirt.
Next, add a coat of spray paint to both sides.
Then, measure and cut or have your wood cut for you and add a coat of stain if desired.
Next, pre drill and drill the wood pieces into the top, middle and bottom of each shutter on both sides.
After your shell has been built it's time to add the shelves!
Predrill and drill the wood into all four corners of the top, middle, and bottom shelf on the cart.
Next, add four caster wheels to the bottom.
Flip it over & that's it! (:
Add an antique hook for towels, or other decorative elements.
Use the top as extra counter space and fill it up with cook books, pots, pans and cooking utensils!
I hope this inspires you to rescue an old pair of shutters from your local thrift store!
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Lac84188023 on Jun 12, 2023
I never comment on posts but this upcycle is one of the best I’ve come across. I have all the supplies needed for this project - all supplies upcycled from the salvaging of houses to be demolished - items that have no business in the landfill.
Frequently asked questions
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That’s incredible. Great job.
Did you add the braces under the shelves after or did you put them on before you attached the shelves
What are the dimensions for the wood? This looks like the perfect size for me and I want to make two of them.