How I Matched Knockdown Texture With the Knockdown Texture Sponge

(IC: professional)
This is the short version of a video where I'm demonstrating how to apply all purpose joint compound with a Knockdown Texture Sponge on a vaulted ceiling repair.
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This ceiling repair is the whole 36' paper tape joint right at the vault of the open floor plan ceiling. I must say this knockdown texture sponge works great for matching and blending the knockdown texture. I've been using one for several years now and they work great for tape joint repairs and small drywall repairs on walls or ceilings.
Here's another ceiling repair i did using the knockdown texture sponge
Applying the joint compound with the knockdown texture sponge
Knocking down the new texture with a lexan paddle
Texture knocked down and ready for primer
Ceiling repair primed and painted
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Published March 30th, 2016 6:49 PM
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2 of 3 comments
PeckDrywallPainting on Mar 31, 2016
Telbisz van Dierendonck on Apr 15, 2018
Hi Paul, Your project reminds me of how local Italians used to use our stucco sponge, which unlike others, have large, irregular pores! We also make a unique drywall sanding sponges. The stucco sponge is no longer available (except for special orders) it can be seen as part of the Oterra line at our historical site www.mysponge.com the new version of the Gyproc sponge can be seen at www.biobob.us have a gander, let me know what you think. My direct email is look@mysponge.com Telbisz
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