How I Turned Drop Cloths Into Stunning Outdoor Curtains

If you have been following my under deck revamp, you know that I did a lot to the space:
- Added a railings so small children didn't fall of a foot high ledge
- Used plastic PVC panels to turn the space into a covered patio
- Painted the exposed wood with white stain as well as the deck above
Well this was the final chapter to the saga!
I liked the look of curtains for shade, decor and to make it easier to watch movies before it was pitch black (we added a projector and screen on the back of the house too!)
I wanted an industrial look and as always I didn't want to spend a lot of money!
These dropcloths were on sale for $12 for two 6x9 ft cloths and I needed five in total.
I then needed something to hang the curtains from. Initially, I planed on using galvanized pipes but they weren't long enough, I could have used adapters but decided 1/2 inch copper pipes would be easy to cut to length. I purchased three and used a pipe cutter to makes them what ever length was needed!
These were the fittings (these actually come in two pieces that can be threaded together).
The plates was screwed into the perpendicular beams that hold up the deck. The copper tubes then went inside the circular piece that then screwed to tighten.
These curtain rings with clips came in a pack for 40 from Amazon for $10!
I used 8 per curtain and spaced them out evenly. I just eyeballed this since I didn't think the exact spacing was very important.
One warning I must share is that upon opening the drop cloths, there was a very strong smell that I could only describe as smelling like a wet sheep. Fortunately, this did air out after a few days.
Here is a look from the yard side. The drop cloths I purchased were 6 ft by 9 ft with a seam across and I needed about 7 ft vertically so I hung them the long way up and folded over the top. The seam was actually a pretty good guide of where I needed the fold the material.
I actually checked to see if the curtains would stay dry during rain with the PVC sheet roof and it did! I'm sure in a bad storm with wind that wouldn't be the case but for some drizzel I was pleasantly surprised!
We added this metal shelf where we place the projector for our outdoor movie theater! The curtains help with blocking some light but we still have to wait until close to dusk for it to be dark enough to see the screen.
I am IN love with the overall look. It is exactly what I was aiming for!
The curtains are sheer enough to let the sun shine through but provide some shade and a ton of ambiance. The "curtains" are hung over on this side giving it the two toned look!
Now that this space is complete it is certainly one of my favorite spots in the house!
I said I was all done with this space but that is a lie
I actually have a next project in mind already to convert my daughters old crib into a swing bed to hang off the back of the deck between my peonie bushes! So I suppose their is another sequel after all!
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Liz, HomeTalker on Aug 06, 2021
These curtains are absolutely stunning! I love them. You have me rethinking to restyle my drop cloth curtains I made for our dining room now! In addition, I made curtains for our outdoor front porch using actual shower curtains, so they are made to withstand nature’s elements! 😁 The ideas and creativities are endless! I’m loving it!!! Kudos to everyone!!! 💕
Gig69451122 on Aug 22, 2024
I'm glad you're really pleased with this. I particularly like the shaded color once hung over@ the top. However, the copper rods look stressed. Being outdoors? Copper tarnishes. I'd use the right dimension size white, PVC pipe. Very strong, blend well with roof. This just an 💡is all 😉
Frequently asked questions
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Looks great! I was needing and idea for mine. But Will copper pipes bend or kink with the weight of the curtains? Especially if they get wet?...tks!
Love this..... but will copper piping bend or kink if the weight of the drop cloths get wet or heavy? tks!
I really love the whole look But the drop cloth curtains are beautiful. I have one question: how do those type of hooks hold up after drawing aside a few times and the wind? Do they break loose easily?