How I Updated Speaker Fabric - With PAINT

I was in the middle of refinishing a vintage turntable, when I realized I might not be able to update the speaker fabric without damaging the speaker itself! 😬 so I thought to myself, I wonder if I can just paint it?!
check out my Instagram page!
Before and after 👌
I redid the outside of the turn table, I sanded it all down and re stained it. Than coated it with a water based poly clear coat.
I put painters table around the wood of the speaker to make sure I didn’t get any black paint on what I had already done!
I than added ultra grip by Fusion Mineral Paint to the speaker and let it dry.
After the clear coat dried, I added coal black to the speakers!
Thankfully fusion mineral paints dry time is super fast!
Here you have it! A very freshly up cycled vintage turn table 🤗😍
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Tom, Kermit , or Snoopy on Oct 12, 2019
If I had to start over finding a stereo system I would surely try this. I know these sound great and are dependable.
Ally | flop.or.not on Oct 12, 2019
Totally! The sound is amazing and it’s insane how loud it gets !
Mary McDonald on Nov 04, 2019
Ally | flop.or.not on Nov 04, 2019
That’s awesome
Frequently asked questions
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Does it still work
Have you noticed a difference in sound quality since sealing the foam with paint?
I replaced my speaker cloth with white eyelet to go with the room decor..worked very well.