How to Build a Bench Out of an Old Door

(IC: vlogger)
1 Material
I use one old door and a 2x4 to create an adorable bench! It's simple and quick and I absolutely love it!! Perfect for your front porch or entryway. This bench takes no time at all!
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"title": "Click here for the complete tutorial.",
"video_link": "https://www.youtube.com/embed/Poe81hkU10E",
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I have a ton of old doors so I picked one and got started!! All you need is a door, a screwdriver, a saw and some screws.
I love that you can still see where the door knob was!!
The door had original chippy paint, one side was a minty blue and the other side was a soft mustard. I love the way the colors compliment each other.
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Suggested materials:
- Old Door, 2x4 and screws
Published December 9th, 2016 10:50 AM
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Lana wales on Feb 07, 2017
Lana wales on Feb 07, 2017
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