How to Build a Wood Laundry Table

I can't believe I haven't shared this DIY on HomeTalk yet. I built this table in 2018 when I was getting my Laundry Room ready for a feature in Better Homes and Gardens. This Laundry Table is one of my all time favorite builds. You can find the full tutorial and printable build plans on my site.
This table improved our Laundry Room 300%, easily. Just adding that one table made the room look so much better AND it is so much more functional too. Now we can put our keys and bags on the table when we walk in, fold laundry there. And, it hides all of the ugly parts of our Laundry Room. You can see more of this table and why I love it in the in the build overview video above.
We had about a 10" gap behind our machines because of the way the dryer vent was installed. That gap was pretty ugly and stuff was always falling back there. PLUS, the outlets and water hookups just added to the list of things I hated looking at in there.
I had to figure out a way to improve this. If I had a wall on both or even 1 side of the machines, I could have just installed a removable top over my machines.
BUT, I decided to build a table since I wanted a removable option that could also hide the left sides of my machines.
I built this Laundry Table using 2x2 legs and 1x2 rails to connect them.
I drilled 1 Kreg Jig pocket hole on each end of the 1x2's, then used wood glue and the Kreg screws to join the 1x2 to the top of each leg.
If you look closely at the picture, I used a lattice board under my 1x2 to hold it 1/4" back from the front of the legs. That setback on the rails always looks pretty on a table.
Ignore that rough looking wood, I used wood from an old project because I knew I was painting mine. :)
My exhaust vent blocked the leg on the right side of the machines. But since it's hiding between the machines and the dryer, I could easily move the leg up on that side without anyone seeing it.
On the left side of my machines, I have a low bench. So, I designed that side to hide the machine sides and the ugly gap behind the machines.
Your Laundry Table build may need to be adjusted a bit to work around all of those cords, outlets, piles, plugs, and exhaust vents. Every Laundry Room is different.
AND Laundry Tables are different than other tables. It has tall legs that make it wobbly. But you probably can't steady the legs by connecting them along the back because of all the pipes , cords, and vents. And, you can't connect them along the front. Adding a lower 1x2 to connect the legs on the left and right does help add some stability. But, you'll probably better off designing the table to partially sit on top of the machines, to fight the wobble.
I did that by attaching adjustable feet to the bottom of my legs.
On just the left side, since it's visible, I extended the side down with a 1/4" plywood panel and cove moulding detail around the frame.
The top is 3/4" Maple Plywood from Lowes. I applied Edge Banding to the plywood edges to make it look like solid Maple. Edge Banding is really easy to apply with just a normal iron. The glue on the back of it is activated by heat that makes it stick right on to the plywood edge.
I used Danish Oil to stain the top because you can easily wipe on the finish with a rag and it dries pretty fast. It also slightly hardens wood as it dries, for extra durability, and it doesn't require an extra topcoat. But, I did apply a couple coats of poly too, because it is a high traffic area, so extra protection is a good thing. :)
You can find more tips about making a Laundry Table and see more of my Laundry Room on my site.
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Mar66401112 on Feb 28, 2024
It's very nice for this situation. However have you given any thought as to what you'll do when you need to replace your appliances? I've had several sets over the years and there is no standardized height. If this was done for my old front loader set I would have had to climb at least a three step step ladder in order to fold anything on top.
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GREAT idea! Makes me wish I had front load machines!!😒
Any suggestions for a top load washer? I have cabinets above the washer and dryer and a freezer beside the washer! I absolutely have no space! All this is in a short hallway off the kitchen going outside!
What color is the blue paint, really like it?