How to Build and Hang Single Seat Porch Swings

I built a crib mattress swing for my sister in law. We hung it on one end of her front porch. But since it is a very long porch, she needed something for the other side to balance things out. I had originally thought about building an identical swing, but decided to mix it up a bit and build two single swings. And since she has twin boys, the swings could be something that they would really enjoy.
In this article, I’m going to show you how I did it so you can make them for your own porch.
Materials and Tools
Here’s what you’ll need for the project:
- tape measurer
- wood stain
- miter saw
- sand paper
- drill
- 3/4″ drill dit
- 1/4″ drill bit
- long screwdriver
- 4 eye screws
- 1 piece of 2 x 12″ x 6′ framing lumber
- 3/4″ rope (for an 8′ porch ceiling, you’ll need 4 pieces that are 18′ long)
Build the Seats
First, cut a 26″ piece from the 2×12.
Measure in 1 3/4″ from each corner and make a mark. This will be where you drill the holes for the rope.
Then using the 1/4″ drill bit, drill a pilot hole on each of the 4 marks.
Switch to the 3/4″ inch bit and drill a bigger hole where you drilled the pilot holes.
After you have all of the holes drilled, use sand paper to smooth out all of the corners and edges and any rough spots on the wood.
Next, apply your stain of choice. I used Minwax Polyshades Mission Oak to match the swing I had already made for my sister-in-law. After the stain dries, apply a couple coats of polyurethane.
Then follow the same steps for the other seat.
Hang the Swings
First, locate the ceiling joists on the porch where you will be hanging the swings.
Then measure the distance between the holes drilled in the 2×6.
Using that distance, measure and mark where your eye screws will be on the ceiling.
Using the 1/4″ drill bit, drill your pilot holes in the ceiling joists.
Then screw in the eye screws. You can get them started with you bare hands, but then you’ll need a long screw driver to give your leverage as seen in the picture below.
Next, run the rope through the eye screw, and tie a knot right below the hook. This will help keep the rope from slipping when the swing are in use.
Next, find something to sit your seats that is your desired heigh. I found a fan in my sister-in-laws garage that was just the right height. Sometimes you have to improvise.
Run the rope through each of the holes and tie a knot underneath the seat.
Then follow the same steps for the other swing, and then it’s time to have fun!
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Kara Wurtzel on Dec 08, 2019
I want to hang out at your house!
Rev33811944 on Dec 13, 2019
i worry about the swings getting blown into the window in a bad storm, breaking it?
Gelidorsch on Jun 05, 2020
They seem to be away far enough from the window but can be taken down/off the hooks.
Frequently asked questions
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Love the idea but are you sure those little hooks are going to hold a person’s weight?