How to Clean an Oven Window

Here is a simple way to clean your oven window on the inside with no harsh chemicals.
You'll need -
Baking Soda
Vinegar/Water Mixture
Squirt Bottle
Old wash cloths & towel
Optional - painters tape
*This above is my window on the inside of my oven. I did a test run of this in November after Thanksgiving and was happy with the results. My oven window isn't as dirty this time since it's only been 1 month but I wanted to share the directions with you.
I recommend laying an old towel on the floor under your oven door for anything that spills over.
If you have vents on your oven door, cover them with painters tape so nothing will get inside the door.
Cover the window with baking soda.
Squirt the baking soda with a vinegar and water mixture. I did a ratio of 1:10, 1 part vinegar, 9 parts water. (My squirt bottle has numbers to help me do this part).
You want the baking soda to get damp but not drenched. You are making a paste.
Get an old wash cloth wet and squeeze out the excess.
Start scrubbing the paste with the damp wash cloth. Gentle scrubbing is fine, it doesn't have to be hard scrubbing.
Keep working around the glass, if you see a black spot scrub at it a bit. It won't take a ton of effort.
I also scrubbed the black metal around the window and cleaned that up as well.
Clean up your mess. I used my vacuum cleaner, but you could use a small broom and dust pan. I recommend using a wet dry shop vac if you have a bag in your vacuum cleaner so it won't clog.
Wipe up the extra mess of baking soda. I did this a couple times.
When I thought I got most of it up, I got a fresh old wash cloth wet, squeezed it out, and wiped it one more time.
I am very pleased with how easy this was and how clean my window got with very little effort and no harmful chemicals.
*** Many of you have asked about cleaning BETWEEN the windows...
I have not cleaned between the glass doors yet, but you might look at this Hometalker's post...
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Gayle on Nov 06, 2023
Wow! Have really dirty window, on stove, thank you! Will be week end job!!! I needed this, 👍
Alma Rodemeyer on Feb 22, 2024
Thanks, will try it.
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I have a one year old Samsung convection oven. On Christmas we put aluminum foil in the bottom to catch any drips. It is now stuck there. Samsung says it’s my problem because the user manual that is on line (not given to you at delivery of stove) states not to use aluminum foil. I’ve tried steam cleaning to remove it but that didn’t work. Does anyone have any suggestions?? Thanks
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