How to Clean the Plastic Strip at the Bottom of a Glass Shower Door

Christine (iDreamofClean)
(IC: blogger)
5 Minutes
Before selling our home, I started cleaning every area like crazy! It was part of my normal routine to clean the shower, but the plastic strip at the bottom of the door had not been touched. Here is the best way I found to clean this overlooked area and make it look brand new!
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Published July 31st, 2013 11:00 AM
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3 of 15 comments
Gigi on Sep 20, 2021
I have been wondering how to get that off to replace but maybe I can just clean it. 🤞
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Mine has little pink stains. I'm not sure if this is caused by a cleaning detergent or when I rinse my hair dye 😟. Any advice please.
Does the strip just wedge on (not stick)? Thanks.