How to Create Garden Art With Flat Marbles

Sherre M
(IC: homeowner)
5 Materials
I love old window & the possibilities! You can find them in restores, barns, flea markets, they're everywhere! My favorite thing to do is glue flat marbles on them & hang them on my fence, porch anywhere the sun can reflect & watch the sparkle.
Here's one I posted earlier this summer. I wanted to show you what it looked like after hanging on my fence. This has been out in the sun & rain all summer & still looks great, not one glass marble has popped off! I use LOCTITE G02 GEL GLUE & believe me, they're on there to stay!
Here's a little cabin on the lake!
This one was quick & simple!
On the more detailed ones I just draw a templet & lay under the glass, these flat marbles are glued right onto the glass window panes!
This glue takes a little while to dry so it gives you time to move them around if need be!
Here's what ya get, a cute inexpensive artwork for your garden or porch! These aren't all that heavy either & can be hung anywhere! This one is my favorite- GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!
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Published September 2nd, 2015 10:46 PM
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2 of 110 comments
Jeannie Scott on Jul 29, 2022
Beautiful, thanks for sharing!!! What are the size of the flat marbles that you used, please?
Daphne Cody Hinds on Sep 14, 2024
I love the American flag window!!!!!
Frequently asked questions
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Does Locktite dry clear??
What are the dimensions of the flag window
These projects are great - well done!
are they typically one pane of glass behind the muntins or multiple, small panes?