How to Decorate Windows Without Curtains for a Rustic Look

Are you looking for an interesting window treatment? Try this fun DIY project!

Using branches from your garden, you'll learn how to decorate your windows without curtains by creating an affordable, stylish twig blind that brightens up any room.

This post was transcribed by a member of the Hometalk editorial team from the original HometalkTV episode.

Tools and Materials

This post was transcribed by a member of the Hometalk editorial team from the original HometalkTV episode.

Eco-friendly window decor

1. Measure Your Windows

Begin by measuring the width of your windows. This will determine the length of the branches you’ll need to cut. Make sure your branches are at least as long as the window width to create a seamless look.

Rustic DIY window coverings

2. Collect and Cut the Branches

Head outside and gather flexible branches, such as grapevine, willow, or other pliable types.

nature-inspired window covering

Cut enough branches to form a bundle for each window.

DIY stick blinds

3. Prepare the Support Stake

Cut a support stake to fit snugly inside the width of your window. This stake will act as the base to hold the branch bundles securely.

Affordable window treatment ideas

4. Mark the Bracket Placement

Hold a bundle of branches up to the window to test the fit. Use a pencil to mark where the brackets should go.

How to make cheap window blinds

Screw in the closet dowel brackets on both sides of the window at the marked spots.

Rustic home decor ideas

5. Bundle the Branches

Line up the branch ends to ensure they’re flush. Use thin florist’s wire to loosely wrap each side of the bundle, leaving enough wire overage for attaching later.

Minimalist window coverings

6. Attach the Branches to the Support Stake

Secure the tied branch bundle to the support stake using the extra wire. Twist the wire tightly to hold everything in place.

More ways to Decorate Windows

Check out post on How to Make DIY Drop Cloth Curtains With a Twist, you won't be disappointed!

7. Add Filler Branches

For a fuller look, weave additional filler branches into the bundle. This step creates a natural, twiggy texture that mimics a roll-up blind.

Window treatment without fabric

How to Decorate Windows Without Curtains Using Branches

This project shows that you don’t need expensive materials or bulky curtains to create beautiful window decor.

Not only does this natural window decor look stunning, but it also lets in plenty of sunlight, making your space feel warm and inviting.

Rustic twig blinds

Try this easy, nature-inspired DIY idea, and don’t forget to share your thoughts or questions in the comments!

Donna at Funky Junk Interiors
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
Frequently asked questions
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  • Dianne Hrona Dianne Hrona 2 days ago

    I don’t have any vines or branches even though I live on 10 acres. Just sticks. Not pliable at all. Will they work?

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