How to Do the German Schmear...It's Easier Than You Think!

I'm doing a bedroom makeover at my parents house and they have a brick wall in the room. I was going to paint the brick white but then came across the German Schmear. I thought it looked so cool and it gave the brick a really unique look, so I gave it a shot. The German Schmear (also known as mortar wash) may seem like a bit of an intimidating project, but let me be clear, I am not a professional and I have never done this before and it looks AMAZING. It was NOT hard and it was NOT expensive and it turned out great! So take that hesitation, that doubt, that uncertainty, and get rid of it, cuz YOU CAN DO THIS!
If you want to checkout the entire bedroom transformation, here's the link:
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There seems to be 2 different materials most commonly used for the German Schmear; thin set Mortar OR tile grout. From what I've read, mortar is slightly more adhesive, so that's what I used. You can get a bag of either for about $20 from Home Depot.
First thing I did was lay painter's tape all along the painted wall to protect it in case I got some mortar on the wall.
Then before I applied any mortar I cleaned all the bricks. Going over it first with a dry brush and then using water and a scrubby brush.
I mixed my white thin set mortar using a mixing attachment for my drill. I mixed it to the consistency of peanut butter.
I used my plastic trowel to fill in all the cracks and then scrape off any excess mortar. Then let it set up a little bit (for maybe 30 minutes).If you wipe it with the spring right away you'll just end up smearing the mortar around rather than wiping it off.
Then I used my sponge to wipe off the mortar in the high spots. I noticed that the brick ended up drying a bit lighter than I thought it would so keep that in mind. You can go over some spots with a little clean steel brush to take off a bit more mortar after its dries if you want to see a bit more red.
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J Brown on Mar 13, 2021
An easier option is white washing. Quick, easy and cheap.
We did a monster brick wall and the change was dramatic.
Rml49077425 on Mar 14, 2021
I have a flat rock you think it would work?
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Could this be used in a shower area over tile
I'd love to do to to our fireplace, but we have a wood stove insert in it. Would the heat affect the German Schmear?