How to Landscape in 8 Simple Steps

The Seasoned Homemaker
(IC: blogger)
Landscaping is a simple art form. All it takes is understanding a few things and you can take turn any yard into a paradise.
After creating several successful landscapes, I have come up with 8 tips to take your from novice to expert.
Set a realistic budget and thoroughly think through how you will use the landscape.
If you've never done a landscape before, start small, make a few inexpensive mistakes, and then move on to something larger. One of the biggest mistakes newbies make is thinking they can do a landscape like they've seen on TV. Be realistic, those people have huge crews working non-stop to create their landscape. You probably have 10 hours on a weekend. Start small. Start small. Start small.
To read the rest of my tips, visit my blog and please pin the first image.
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Published April 11th, 2014 6:56 AM
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Christina Dorrego on Jul 03, 2015
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