How To Make A Dragonfly Out Of Ceiling Fan Blades...

Supplies Needed:
- Spindle
- Top Fence Post
- 4 Ceiling Fan Blades
- Item For The Eyes
- Item For The Antenna
- finial for the tail
- Paint
After seeing a picture of dragonflies made out of ceiling fan blades, I had to make one. I had a box in the attic containing four fan blades. I wanted my dragonfly to look like it was made out of ceiling fan blades, so I didn't cut the blades down. I left the fan blade brackets on. I loved the design, so it was a win win!
I wanted to paint the wicker insert a different color than the outer part of the fan blade. I wrapped the blade in newspaper and cut the wicker section out. While the fan blades were drying, I painted the spindle. I forgot to take a picture. Sometimes I get totally involved, and forget to take pictures!
After the spindle was dry. I drilled a hole on top of the spindle where the head would be attached.
For the dragonfly head, I used a top fence post. I painted it the same color as the dragonfly body. After the fence post was dry, A hole was drilled on top of the fence post for the antenna.
I used two white ceiling light caps that I painted yellow for the eyes. Little screws were used for the pupils.
For the Antenna, I used a lamp shade harp off of a old lamp.
The fan blade brackets were attached to the spindle.
At the last minute I decided to use a finial for the tail of the dragonfly.
Since I decided to use a finial for the tail, Two inches were cut off of the spindle so the dragonfly wouldn’t be too long in length for the fence that I was mounting it on.
The finished product! I'm pleased with how it turned out.
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Suggested materials:
- Spindle
- Top Fence Post
- 4 Ceiling Fan Blades
- Item For The Eyes
- Item For The Antenna
- Finial for the tail
- Paint
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Bla69114539 on Aug 13, 2022
I am going to make one. But the eyes will be much bigger. The wings shaped true to a dragonfly wings . I have studied them carefully. Have made beaded ones. Printed a chart of the many types and sizes too. I also have the National Audobon Society Field Guide to Insects & Spiders. There are wonderful pictures of the Dragonflies there. Hope I can post a picture of it when I am done. Thanks for the idea !
Rut66719421 on Mar 04, 2023
Beautiful dragonfly's!!! I saw this post and I have made 3 so far and I'm starting a fourth one now!!! I'm giving them for Birthday presents for my sister's!!!
Lois Buchanan on Apr 08, 2023
They are. Gorgeous! I love all of these! I have a fan that came down when a tree hit my roof thru the ceilng! It will make lemonade out of lemons!
Frequently asked questions
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How long should the spindle be?
What did you use to mount the dragonfly?