How to Make a Giant Peg Board for Craft Organization

Ginger Bowie
(IC: blogger)
4-6 Hours
This project had been on my to do list for along time. I am so excited to get this baby checked off! It was soooooo easy to put together. I’m not sure what took us so long to make this giant peg board! It’s definitely an afternoon project, & it doesn’t take long to get up at all. It it awesome for organizing all of my craft supplies, & it would make a great addition to any workspace. So keep reading, & I’ll show you how to make a giant peg board.
I don't have a separate craft room, but this wall in our master bedroom does the trick. :)
You'll also need to make a frame with some wood trim for the front of your peg board.
I stacked my 2 frames & peg board like this. I used some wood glue to hold everything together.
We also used a nail gun to help hold everything together as well.
After I painted all the trim. We let it dry. Then we hung this big boy on the wall! You'll need heavy duty screws, a stud finder & anchors to hang this up. It will get pretty heavy when it's fully loaded with craft supplies.
I love having easy access to all of my craft supplies. It's almost like having my own craft store. :)
I used jars & buckets to help organize everything. You can find the pegs & hooks at any home improvement store. I found mine at Home Depot.
So nice & organized!
I found these little buckets at Target in the Dollar Spot. I love the polka dots!
The wire baskets are from Home Depot. You can find more details over on my blog!
Enjoyed the project?

Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
Published February 19th, 2015 1:36 AM
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3 of 33 comments
Ginger Bowie on May 21, 2020
Thank you! I find buckets like these at Hobby Lobby, Target or Walmart. :)
Bea72159774 on Oct 27, 2022
Hi, what size is your pegboard?
Ginger Bowie on Oct 27, 2022
It's about 4 feet by 5 feet.
Frequently asked questions
Have a question about this project?
I love your pegboard and I',m in the process of building one for myself. May I ask where did you screw through to attach the pegboard to the studs? Did you go through the frame and then patch the frame holes? I'm new to wood working and building things and I tend to need every bit of info before I start. Must be my A personality - LOL.
Thanks for your help!
Where did you find the metal pegs that are used on the board to hang things?
Hi, I was surprised with one for Christmas and was wondering where you got the white shelves and the black metal baskets?