How to Make Grass Grow Fast & Fix Bald Spots

Jon Peters
(IC: vlogger)
7 Materials
15 Minutes
Here's a video and simple how-to instructions showing you how to make grass grow fast and fix bald spots in your lawn. It's been working great in my yard for years. The key is to let the seeds germinate in the saw dust or peat moss and to keep watering once spread on the bald spots until the grass takes hold. I use the fine saw dust from the table saw as the base, but peat moss works just as well.
Step 1: Add saw dust or a bag of peat moss to a wheelbarrow
Step 2: Add a 3 lb bag for grass seed to the saw dust
Step 3: Mix seed into saw dust with a shovel and water heavily
Step 4: Cover wheelbarrow with a tarp and seeds germinate for 5-7 days until just sprouted
Step 5: Mix 3 shovels of germinated grass seed mixture with 1/2 wheelbarrow of top soil
Step 6: Spread over the bald spots in the lawn and water regularly
You're finished! Water regularly for until blended into the rest of your lawn. Fertilize after one week.

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Enjoyed the project?
Suggested materials:
- Saw Dust or Peat Moss
- Grass Seed (Jonathan Green)
- Top Soil
- Wheelbarrow
- Tarp to cover
- Shovel and Pitchfork to Mix
- Water
Published June 27th, 2017 8:55 AM
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3 of 29 comments
Margaret R Sarzynski on Jul 07, 2018
Whe never I need to see grass, I cover grass seed with the layer of lint from my clothes dryer filter, depending upon how much is needed, then water. Birds can't eat the seed and the grass grows right thru the lint! Throughout the winter I keep the layers of lint, particularly from drying towels, in a plastic bag to be used during spring, etc. I've suggested this to friends and they love the idea.
Helena on Nov 05, 2023
For fast grass growth, use quick-germinating seeds like ryegrass, prepare the soil for good seed contact, apply starter fertilizer rich in phosphorus, and water consistently to keep soil moist. Also, good soil can help you, read some tips here
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