How to Make Grommet Top Curtains Look Fuller and Hang Nicely

If I’m being completely honest, I have never really been a fan of grommet top curtains. I feel like they lack fullness and look a little off when they aren’t pulled open all of the way.
I was in search for some new blackout curtains for my sons room, and his request were that they were orange. This was no easy feat and all of the options that I found were grommet tops.
I remembered seeing this little tip on how to make grommet top curtains look fuller and hang nicely, so I decided to go ahead and get them.
Im really happy that I remembered this tip, because I am so pleased with how the curtains look in his room now.
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Her is what the curtains looked like when I first hung them up.
I was so happy with the colour and feel of these curtains, but when they were fully opened they just seemed awkward. I needed something fuller to anchor each side of the large window in the room.
All you need for this project is some empty paper towel or toilet paper rolls and a pair of scissors.
Mark the middle of the toilet paper rolls and cut them in half. If you are using a paper towel roll cut every 2.5 inches.
I needed eight pieces in total.
The paper rolls are going to act as spacers. Place a paper roll between each pleat that will be facing the back. You don’t want these visible when the curtains are closed.
This is what the curtains should look like when you are finished.
I can’t believe what a difference this little tip makes. The curtains look so much fuller and drape beautifully. You don’t even notice that the paper rolls are on the rod when opening and closing the curtains.
I love how neat and tidy the top looks now. Who knew that a few paper towel rolls could make such a difference!
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LaLa LuLu Leslie Ann on Nov 21, 2023
I use pool noodles for my grommet curtains. They are slightly bigger to not slip through the grommets. And no, you can't see them even if you use a crazy pool noodle color! Great idea using paper towel cardboard.
Eli131427886 on Nov 09, 2024
I like the fact that the paper towel rolls are being recycled, and are part of the product you purchased. Free and recycling!
Frequently asked questions
Have a question about this project?
How does it look when they are closed?
I use pool noodles instead and last for ever and if need be they can be washed
Does anyone have a hack to do this with curtains that have tabs instead of grommets