How to Make Rope Wall Art

Find out how to make these trendy layered hanging baskets!
Today I am going to show you how to make rope wall art. Those beautiful wall-hanging baskets we've all seen are so much fun to make.
To start, I cut out cardboard circles that will serve as the backs of all my baskets. I did my circles freehand but you could use a plate or a pizza pan to get the shape correct. I cut out several different sizes that worked for my space.
Once I had my circles cut out it was time for the fun part of making the baskets. I started by gauging where the middle was going to be and put some glue there.
While the glue was still wet, I put the end of the twine into it and then let it dry in place.
Then I started twisting it around and around adding glue to keep it in place.
I wanted to have a small little lip on the side. Instead of doing it on the cardboard, I added several rows of twine up the side of the rope circle I had made.
For the next bowl, I started with the smallest circle. I wanted to make this one more like a bowl so smaller and more 3D coming up the sides. I began wrapping the twine the same way I did for the first one.
Once I had it the size I wanted, I went ahead and trimmed off the excess cardboard.
Then I moved on the making the sides of the bowl. I worked my way around and up until it looked like a bowl.
After making 3 of the bowls and the base for the last one, I wanted to make some fringe around the sides.
I made a bunch of frayed pieces by cutting a bunch of the twine the length of two glue sticks.
Then, I unraveled the ends but kept the middle twisted.
To finish it off, I used hot glue to attach them to the back so that the frayed twine showed around the edge.
Finally, I took some black paint and added different patterns to give the bowls character and dimension.
I love how my DIY rope art bowls look on the wall. They were so easy to create and adds some fun color and patterns to the room.
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