How to Clean and Renew Outdoor Furniture and Stained Cushions

12 Minutes
We were able to save thousands of dollars by cleaning and salvaging this stained and weathered outdoor furniture. It took a lot of elbow grease, but it was worth it to us because we got this Pottery Barn Outdoor Sectional in a trade. We painted the weathered frame with Stain and Seal from Faux FX. The cushions were cleaned by spraying a solution of 75% bleach and 25% water on the cushions. Then they were cleaned with Fels-Naptha soap. The result is a "like-new" sofa. For complete details and more photos check out our blog:
the cushions cleaned up with a lot of elbow grease
before and after outdoor furniture rehab
the cushions were mildewed
cushions before
cushions before
after clean up and a coat of Stain and Seal from Faux FX
The frame after applying stain and seal
the outdoor sectional weathered frame
Bella Tucker Decorative Finishes
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  3 questions
  • Suzanne Suzanne on Jun 02, 2016
    do you use the Fels Nappa with a scrub brush or just sponge and water and rinse
  • How do you clean resin chairs with years of tree sap on them?
  • Ddh21587642 Ddh21587642 on Mar 07, 2017
    Years of mildew and stains on patio cushions..pffftttt.. Sage green color..I've tried spot removers..mildew n stain removers. what..
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3 of 23 comments
  • Susan Williamson Susan Williamson on Apr 19, 2016
    Thank you Rosie but I have put them on edge and the draining water stains the edge as it dries :(
  • Nancy Gachman Nancy Gachman on Jun 13, 2016
    I have a type of plastic mesh on my outddor furniture seats and back that cannot be taken off. How do I clean them. Thanks so much.
    comment photo
    • Maria Maria on Jul 21, 2016
      in a bucket, warm water and amonia, wash with sponge and non-scratch scrubby. they come out like bran new.