How to Repair a Mobile Home Counter Top

Les and Gina
(IC: professional)
7 Materials
some mobile home counter tops are very hard to replace but you can fix them with some car body fill.
In this picture if look to the far right you can see the laminate puckering. First cut away the pukering laminat and dig out the bad wood til you get to solid wood.
Next mix up some bondo it comes in 2 parts you don't need very much of the hardener the more hardener you put in the less working time you have to smooth it out. Once it is hard you can sand it down to a smooth. Now come the fun part.
First sand all of your counter tops I use a palm sander. Clean off the counter top really really well. Then put 2 coats of primer paint when that dries put 2 coats of good paint on I used tan.
Then I put a third coat on the counter top and while it was still wet I through down these garage chips. The edge of the counter top I put the sprinkles in my hand and blew the chips.
I let it sit and dry for a day than I toke a putty knife and scrape off the top and sides of the counter top. Then I sanded with my palm sander. Put 3 coats of polyurethane sanding after each coat
And I have a brand new counter top that I LOVE LOVE LOVE. Easy peasy try it.
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Published February 18th, 2017 5:16 AM
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2 of 195 comments
Twyla J Boyer on Jan 23, 2019
These look SOOOOO much better than the ones done with the paint kits (which never really look like graniet, no matter how much people say they do). They look like composite counters rather than laminate. I love that you told us how to add the chips to the sides - I would have been trying to press them in, but blowing tem on is so much smarter. Great job! I would not have thought about using the chips (or bondo) on a counter, but now I will be thinking about it for sure. Thanks for posting this.
Marilyn Nelson on Jan 28, 2019
Wow..I will be doing this! Thanks for the great explanation!
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As this obviously took at least several days, how did you manage without your kitchen sink and the mess created by clearing off the counters and refinishing. I live in my home and don't think I would want to live around it.
Looks good though.
We have put tile down as well as for the backsplash, we have encountered unforeseen water damage,can we repair will send pi
How do you do the sides