How To Restore A Rusty Old BBQ Grill

Simply Real Moms
(IC: blogger)
6 Materials
Turn your well loved but rusty grill (or even a yardsale find) back into the gem it once was!
Start with an old grill, you can use your own but we found an old grill for free on a yardsale site!
Separate all pieces and sand down the metal first with emery cloth sandpaper and then a wire cup brush. Discard wood.
Spray all metal with high heat spray paint and seal with heat resistant sealer
Cut & stain wood for the prep area and let it dry
Bolt all metal pieces back together as they were, screw on wood planks and handles.
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Suggested materials:
- Emery Cloth Sandpaper
- Redwood Wood
- Stain for wood in Redwood
- Black High Heat Spray Paint (4 regular, 1 Ultra)
- Heat Resistant Sealant
- Wire Cup Brush

Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
Published March 8th, 2017 12:13 AM
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2 of 26 comments
Tara Talley on Mar 12, 2017
Nicely done, it really does look like new! You guys rock!
Gale O'Neal on Mar 19, 2017
Perfect! Great job!
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