How to Revive a Faux Fur Rug With Hair Conditioner

A big home fashion trend just now is faux fur rugs. I personally have 3 in my home. They look lovely to begin with but unless they are just sitting out and never getting walked on, they can look quite grubby and lifeless the more you walk and sit on them. So I decided to use diluted hair conditioner in a spray bottle to to bring it back to life
This is the before and after to show you the difference. I’m really happy with how it turned out. My daughter sits in her reading corner all the time so this gets a lot of wear and tear
You’ll need just basic conditioner, a spray bottle and a brush. Any conditioner will do (cheaper the better I’d say as it’s only a rug after all. I’d also recommend one with a scent. I used a coconut one and it makes the rug smell lovely)
Dilute the conditioner in the bottle with water. Around 1/3 conditioner to 2/3 water
This is the spray bottle I have. It’s a hairdressing bottle but you can use anything that has a spray lid. Even an old empty bottle of kitchen/bathroom spray would work as long as you clean it out thoroughly first
Before you start spraying you will want to give the rug and good shake and a run over with the hoover to get rid of any crumbs/dust etc
You are then just going to spray lightly across the rug with the diluted solution
You are then going to gently brush across the rug to pull out any knots/tangles etc. (I’d imagine the way you would brush a dog with a shaggy coat)
After brushing the full rug I then gave it a blast with the hairdryer to dry it out and give it a smooth finish. I do think one with a nozzle is better but it wouldn’t have to have one
Don’t be alarmed when your brush looks like this. Some knots will come out like this but it doesn’t effect the look of the rug at all
This was the finished result. Much smoother, no knots or tangles and smelling like coconut!
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Em on Jun 19, 2021
Hair conditioner on your hair that is washed regularly is one thing but many products attract dirt. Especially on something like a rug.
Our Beautiful Bellway on Jun 19, 2021
this isn’t aimed at cleaning the rug but just bringing it back to life
Happy Days Hometalker on Jun 18, 2022
A good tip, thanks !
Our Beautiful Bellway on Jun 20, 2022
You’re welcome x
Frequently asked questions
Have a question about this project?
would this work on a genuine flotation rug?
I thought that You expressed to use conditioner and the supply list it say shampoo?
Aren’t these washable , on gentle cycle??