
M. J.
(IC: homeowner)
I have an easy way to save your geraniums from year to year. In mid September to early October cut back geranium and place container in a large garbage bag in your garage or cool basement for the winter months. When temperatures start to climb up and there is no threat of frost remove plastic bag and place in sun. Saturate with water until you see water coming out of the base of plant. If temperature drops bring back into garage and keep inside until there is no threat of frost. From there it's a piece of cake! Beautiful blooms. This will be my 6th year with this beautiful plant. I have had to change containers twice. Blooms galore!
This is how the geranium looks after the long winter. It has already started to get green in early March.
Getting ready for winter. Cut back plant well making sure to leave some of the plant green leaves on.
Cut back a bit more.
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Published December 10th, 2014 8:51 PM
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3 of 83 comments
Joyce Segebart on Jun 26, 2023
I keep my Geraniums in pots year around. I bring them inside in the fall, clean them off and spray them, so as not to bring in a lot of bugs. We have a nice east facing bay window, put some low tables by the window and they sit there during the winter months. I keep them watered and fertilized during this time and I have had them bloom in the winter.
Janie on Nov 21, 2023
I have geraniums that my dad started … and he died in 1980….save them every year,!❤️👍🌟
Frequently asked questions
Have a question about this project?
Hello! We have geraniums in the ground and in the pot. Can you save the ones in the ground? Also, my planted geranium is still blooming. Do I wait until it's done growing, before I cut it back then put into bag? Thank You!
Do you need to water geraniums still while in the plastic garbage bag,??
Do you close up the draw string garbage bag or leave it loose?