How to Update /Upcycle a Metal Locker

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Suggested materials:
- Locker (Flea Market/Amazon)
- Grape Spray Paint (Big Box Store/Amazon)
- Random Orbit Sander (Big Box Store/Amazon)
- Glitter Spray Paint (Big Box Store/Amazon)
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Doreen Kennedy on Sep 20, 2017
Your cabinet came out beautiful. I picked up this locker at a thrift store for 10 bucks. I wanted to make my son a cd and video game cabinet. I also had to sand mine and give it a good coat of flat black primer. After the prep work was done the rest was easy. I also painted his locker blue and then added a bunch of shelves made from pieces of scrap wood. In 2007, I sprayed the exterior a new color to match his new bedroom decor. After 17 years, 2 local moves and one cross country move, it still looks and functions great. My son is all grown up now and lives 2000 miles from me, but every time I look at his cabinet, I'm reminded of him and all the fun he had listening to music and playing video games with his friends. I hope your daughter enjoys her cabinet as much as my son did! Thanks for sharing. 😊
Eric Greaves on Sep 21, 2017
Mizar on Sep 21, 2017
Not a question, but a tip.
No need for toxic chemicals to remove rust;...just grab a jug of white vinegar or a bottle of CocaCola.
Eric Greaves on Sep 21, 2017
Frequently asked questions
Have a question about this project?
Locker is great but what I want to know is where (or how) did you get those wall boxes- and how much weight do you think they hold(books etc)
Looks great! Have you found a way to attach it to the wall so it won't fall onto a child?
Did u put shelves in it and did you paint the inside? I love the look and color, great jo! I am always on the lookout for lockers but haven't found an.