Inexpensive (DIY) Cocktail Tables

With graduation right around the corner, I wanted cocktail tables around the yard without the expense of purchasing or renting them.
Being frugal and practical, I looked around the yard and got a little creative. So here was my solution:
- large round tomato plant cages ($3)
- table tops ($10)
- paint (optional)
- tablecloths (I recommend a fabric vs. paper tablecloths)
Step 1: Get large tomato cages. You will want the ones that are good weight wire.
Step 2: I purchased a few of the 18 inch table tops at Lowe's for about $10 each.
Step 3: I drilled four (4) holes through the table top - 2 inches from the center of the table top.
Step 4: Then I pulled the tomato cage through the holes and cut the wire off at the height I wanted the tables. It might take a little time and muscle to cut the wire.
Step 5: I used gorilla glue in the holes to keep the table top in place, then covered the holes with some cute coasters I had from New Year's. I painted the top of the table with various sized round sponges. Clearly you can paint the table, seal the table, etc.
Step 6: Since I liked the table tops, I left them exposed.
Step 7: I took an old tablecloth, sewed a quick hem - and strung a cord through the hem. Tied it to the top of the wire cage....and there you have it! Cocktail Tables.
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Suggested materials:
- Table tops ($10) (Lowe's)
- Large round tomato plant cages ($3) (Lowe's)
- Paint (Lowe's in the sample paint section)
Join the conversation
Starrivy1948 on May 06, 2018
O want to try this!
Starrivy1948 on May 06, 2018
O want to try this!
Frequently asked questions
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How sturdy are they?
how sturdy are the tables? Once you start putting drinks, food on them etc. do they hold up??