Kmart Arch Mirror Hack

Arch mirrors have always been a favourite for me but they’ve always been really expensive- especially if you want a large one!
So when Kmart brought one out for $40 I just knew I had to get it - only issue was the black edge!
I needed to change the black trim but I also wanted to go one step further and create a natural look!
So I came up with the idea of pulling apart a $3 Hyacinth Placemat- also from Kmart and using the strips to decorate the mirror.
The strips were easy to pull apart and they looked fantastic with a braided appearance.
So I glued around the edges of the mirror using a hot glue gun completing two rows - in this way I covered the black edge!
I wasn’t entirely happy with the hot glue gun as sections weren’t sticking due to the uneven surface of the hyacinth strips so I ended up using super glue! I also held down each section for a minute to ensure it was completely stuck. Liquid Nails is also s favourite of mine but it wasn’t fast acting like the super glue - and I didn’t have the patience to wait!
I’m not sure how the idea came to me but I wanted to create a window effect inside the mirror so I hunted around the house and found a plastic ring in my craft room!
I used the plastic ring for the centre to give a 3D effect and also covered it with a Hyacinth strip using the glue!
With a measuring tape I then measured exactly where I was going to stick on the ring - centre top of the mirror!
Then I measured the distance from the circle to the edges for the rest of the hyacinth strips to be stuck on.
In the end I only used one Hyacinth Placemat which cost $3 and some superglue at a cost of $2.
Really happy with the end result!
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Candy Davidson on Oct 13, 2019
Michelle | lookwhat_i_found on Oct 14, 2019
Beth Harrison on Jan 18, 2020
Very lovely, creative design.
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Great job