Ladder Herb Garden

I’m pretty obsessed with ladders right now. I have blanket ladders in almost ever room of my house. I recently made a potting bench out of old pallets and had a leftover portion of a pallet that resembled a ladder! It was far too rough to be used in the house, but it was too rustic chic to not be taken advantage of! I’ve gotten into herbs lately, and though my green thumb is still young in its development, I decided this would be the cutest little ladder garden! This ladder would be quite easy to duplicate if you don’t happen to have a pallet ladder just laying around! I’ll go over that here as well! This is the perfect little garden if you are limited on the amount of green space you have available! You really could plant just about anything in here you wanted, flowers outdoors, house plants indoors, herbs inside or out! I love how versatile this is!
Best vertical garden!
Supplies: (if you have a wooden ladder handy)
-oblong or rectangle plastic planters
-spray paint if you don’t love the color of the planter already
-potting soil
-herbs or plants of choice
-wood screws
-drill with acre driving bits
if building the ladder :
-2x4 cedar or presssure treated for the legs
-1x4 cedar or pressure treated for the rungs
To build the ladder cut the 2 2x4s to whatever height you choose, mine is 6 foot tall, if you can use one board for the 2 of them that works too! Then cut the rungs from your 1x4s at 12 inches each, you want them to be about a 10-12” apart so cut as many as you can fit on yours. Attach each 1x4 board to the top of the 2 x4s to create your ladder!
I got my planters from the dollar tree! They were a terra-cotta color, which wasn’t my taste so I gave them 2 coats of white spray paint. Make sure they have adequate drainage, mine required that I drill holes in them. Was quick and easy, but if you get the dollar tree planters, go slow, they crack easily!
Once they are dry it’s time to attach them! I attached each with 3 -1 inch wood screws.
Time to plant! Add potting soil to each planter and add in your plants of choice! All my herbs were rooted clippings that I water propagated, it was a super fun little science project with my little helper seen in these project photos! I’ll post a tutorial soon on how to water propagate and a few neat decorative ways to do it! Hopefully these little plant babies will thrive now that they are planted!
And that’s it! You now have your own little herb garden without having to have a lot of space to do it!
Frequently asked questions
Have a question about this project?
Wht not space the rungs on the ladder to accommodate the planter boxes and just seat them on the rungs for better support? The weight of the filled boxes would hold them in place. Gravity works, no screws, no cracks
V Soares
What dollar store do you shop for all your deals? Our dollar stores do not have any of the items you say. Also, now everything is $1.25 each, no longer Dollar Tree.
what are acre driving bits?