Live Edge Stand Up Desk

Sitting is the new smoking...they say...and I’ve been building a lot of stand up desks. Here’s how you can make one for your office🙌🏼🔨
First pick a slab or a set (bookmatched) depending on the width you want for your top. I’m going to use the 7’ maple pieces my wife is sitting on.
There are a number of ways to get your straight edge for the glue up. You can use a jointer, circular saw with a track or guide, etc. Once you have a seam you’re happy with, it’s time for the old glue and clamp!!
After 24 hours, I took the clamps off and did a messy resin pour. The purpose of this first pour is too seal the wood so the finish pour won’t be absorbed by the wood.
If you have cracks that go all the way through, you can cover a piece of wood with Tyvek or Tuck tape (the resin won’t stick to that) and secure your piece with screws.
Make sure you mix up enough resin (if that’s the finish you go with) because you want to pour it all at once as it will self level and make your life much easier. You can find volume calculators on line to figure what you’ll need🙌🏼
With the final pour, you will have resin running off so wear latex gloves so you can spread that out on the sides and finish them at the same time.
I’m using a flashlight to show how nicely the resin fills in and levels your piece🤩
I got this stand up base on Amazon!! Just check the weight limits. I got a dual motor for this top since it’s pretty heavy.
And you’re ready to work!! Sitting or standing on a piece of art❤️
I added the link for tops that I make🔨🔨 Just check out the materials list.
Frequently asked questions
Have a question about this project?
Won't the wood split once it starts to dry? Wood needs to cure.
How do you cut the wood what tool do you use
What glue did you use?