Making a Faux Hornets Nest.

I found out that hornets and wasps are pretty much territorial. They don't like to set up house where the other already has.
When I went searching, I found you can buy these for about 7.00 at Walmart that inflate and deflate for seasonal use.
But I am a tight wad and don't have a way to drive to town so I just made one. You can get the full pattern here
Here is a general idea for you to ponder then look further if you want. It's easy for even the beginning crocheter.
And here are some links in case you want more evidence these work.
The first step is making a circle. Then you crochet up and then decrease for the closing. Please visit the link for step by step instructions and photos.
You draw string the closing and spray liberally with Scotchgard. Hang up where it can be seen and let it work it's magic.
There you have it. N-JOY!!
Basic 12 double in a circle, then chain 2 and make two in each for 24.
Increase by 12 for each row till you have 6 rows. Then, make a double in each stitch, no longer increasing. Do this till your work is about 9".
Above you will see how I stuffed it.
Done! Be sure to Scotchgard it when you are done, and try and hang under the eaves. N-JOY!!
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Suggested materials:
- Gray yarn. Tan is fine, too. (Had at home)
- Size J hook. You can use larger hook and thicker yarn, too. (Hat at home)
- Scissors, plastic bags (Had at home)
- Scotchgard (Hat at home. Available just about anywhere)
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Sandra Allen on Jul 18, 2017
That is one of the things they recommend, too. Yes, it's not water proof but if you tied a clear bag, like the veggie kind in the stores, around it and cinched it up really tight that would help.
Sil65714479 on May 29, 2022
I’ve been crocheting wasp nests like crazy. They are in high demand. I was looking at real ones, so I thought they would look more realistic if I started with black yarn. I make a magic circle, then 7 dc in the circle. I do 2 rows of the 7 dc, then increase the 3rd row up to 10 dc. Tie off then add your beige or gray color, and start it as your second row. The black is tucked inside and looks like a real hole, like a real nest! The picture is of a small one. I keep a long end of the black yarn, then pull it through and do a long triple crochet and add some pale yellow wool for wings. I think it makes it look like an active nest. I’ve seen queens in the start of spring flying around inspecting areas they want to nest. I don’t know if it makes a difference, but it’s fun to be creative.
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