Making Grandma's Silver Shine Again!

Kristi K
(IC: homeowner)
1 Material
After my grandma graduated to Heaven, my mom gave me some of her silver and I wanted to make it shine as beautifully as my grandma was! After MUCH research (and many failed attempts) I found the quickest, easiest & VERY effective method! A foil bath!
Super simple! All you need is a large pot, water & tin foil. Seriously, it really IS that easy! For more stubborn tarnish, you can add a bit of salt (any kind will do). I didn't have to use any on these pictured pieces.
For the smaller items that can be fully emerged in the pot, you'll want to use tongs to remove them. For the silverware, I let them boil for about 15 seconds, remove with tongs, set on a dishtowel to cool and dry.
Here it is half way done ...... What a difference, huh???? I love mid-way pics! They make me feel like I'm really accomplishing something, haha!!
And ...... **drum roll** ...... Here she is in all of her shiny glory!!!!!
This pitcher wasn't my Grandma's ...... It actually came from a thrift store. AMAZING what you can find in those places! They're like treasure chests!
Well, THAT'S done ...... What else can I get my hands on!?!?!?!
Well, what do you know?!?!?! It worked!!!! And it worked remarkably well!
After all of my pieces had cooled down enough to touch, I "buffed" them dry with a dish towel. If you end up with water spots try rinsing under cold water and then hand drying again.
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Published February 25th, 2016 5:52 PM
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2 of 97 comments
Ann31439094 on Apr 08, 2018
I never thought of putting tarnished silver item on the stove to boil. I had only used on smaller items before- with very hot water, aluminum foil, and baking soda. Your idea expands my horizons!
Dz219450444 on May 30, 2018
I have silver plated pieces and can't make them look good - they are spotted and dingy
Frequently asked questions
Have a question about this project?
Would this work the same way on brass?
Does this ruin your pot? And by the way...awesome job!
I have some silver jewelry that i need to clean. i am worried about the stones. Have you used this method on jewelry? if so, how did it work?