Memory Foam Rug /using This for That

Angie Waldner
(IC: homeowner)
2 Materials
10 Minutes
I buy Memory foam rugs To use in dog beds and other projects.
You will see a brown Memory foam rug on the table it is 33x22. I get most of my memory foam rugs at Sears, Because of the quality of the rug. I got some cheep ones on line. They were no good. When you washed them ,the outer fabric lifted from the foam ,also the foam was cheep. No good for my projects. My dogs love the rugs The smaller memory foam mats you see are cut in half This way you will have 4 little seat mats. With the little mats. I use a microfiber towels, I get at the Dollar Tree I cut a long strip of that to bind the cut end of the rug.
You see the raw end, you can leave it and use it, if you don't sew. That ok , I just bind the end.
Just wrap the raw edge with a strip of fabric, and stitch it down Flip it over if you machine stitch , the fabric will move as you stitch ,but if you have the rubber side down ,as you stitch it won't move. I cut a little extra piece of fabric to fold and make a handle for one end.
My red rug picture was not real clear when I added the picture, so I switched pictures to the blue rug. The blue rug I made as a traveling mat ,I keep it in the trunk of the car .So if I take my 13 year old dog to the vet ,I take the mat in with me for the dog to sit on as we hang around in the vet's office. My old dog had cancer surgery in his side last Oct. The memory foam rugs , were such a blessing for that poor old dog to rest on. I also use the little ones on bleachers , as I watch the kids sports.. I have sciatica ,So the memory foam pad is a great help . when sitting on bleachers. My husband is in the hospital ,he is having heart surgery tomorrow. I find the chairs in his room are to heard for me, so I had the other half of this blue one with me yesterday. My sister in law saw it she sat on it, She loved it. I gave it to her .
This wooden stool is one my grandkids use . I cut up a memory foam rug to make cushions for the top of the stools. Because it has a rubber rug backing it won't slip around as the kids sit on it.
From my thrift store, I got some of these big pillow covers .These are like velvet on one side and lams wool on the other Do you see the brown rug below the pillow cover ,it will all fit inside the cover
The memory foam rug is folded put in side the pillow cover then opened up. That worked best for me The dogs love them As a dog bed. You can just use the rug with out covering, IT just helps to keep the rug lasting longer ,if it is covered. The larger rugs are $20 to $25 dollars
The best of all part of these rugs is the last picture I use a rug as a extra padding in my husbands recliner. He had knee replacement surgery seven years ago I came up with the memory foam pad trick then It gives a little lift in the chair, so people can get, up ,and out of the chair better. Also if you have lower back pain or sciatica It helps your pain. My sister in law was so happy when I told her how I do this ,she is going to get some of the memory foam rugs to help her mom. My vet thought they would get some to use for sick or injured animals to rest on ,and baby kittens. The little pads are great to sit on in a car or truck ,if you are stuck in the car for hours. I think people in nursing homes would like them to sit on .They do take longer to dry than regular rugs. They last in the recliner for a year or so, they can still be moved on to use in other things.
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Suggested materials:
- Memery foam rug (Sears)
- One microfiber (Dollar Tree)
Published August 27th, 2017 1:13 PM
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