How to Make a Minimal NO NAIL Canopy

(IC: vlogger)
5 Materials
1 Hour
I am no expert when it come to nails or screws. Neither when it comes to where, when or what you can use them with but I knew I really wanted to create a pretty instagram/pinterest worthy canopy above my bed. After thinking about many ways to achieve the fairy bedroom of my dreams I came up with this solution which requires no knowledge on said nails and screws.
If you are like me then this DIY project might be the right thing for you.
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To start off you're going to need 3 command hooks just like the one in the picture. As a personal guideline, I put 2 of the hooks above both edges of my bed and the third one right in the middle. Once you've determined the location of where you'd like your canopy to hang, place all 3 hooks onto that place.
Next you're going to take your twine and cut 3 pieces that are about 2 1/2 or 3 inches long. ( It may need to be longer depending on your hook.) Once you have those 3 piece of twine cut, you're going to tie them onto the fabric of your choice (The fabric I used was a sheer curtain scarf). The way I tied them is a bit hard to explain so please feel free to watch the video for reference. Because I estimated where I thought my hooks would connect with my fabric, I made sure not to tie them too tight just in case they needed to be adjusted.
Once all the piece of twine are tied onto your fabric install them onto the hooks that you've previously adhered onto your ceiling . If need be you should be able to adjust the pieces of strings if they were tied a bit loosely.
Adjust to your preference and ta-da you're finished!
To add extra pizazz before installing your canopy, wrap around some white string light, hang up your canopy, turn on your lights and be in awe!!
Extra DIY Flower Strings:
I know I mentioned no nails in this project but these nails were previously attached to my wall a while before.
You can use three more command hooks instead of inserting the same hooks that I have on my wall.
Once you've installed the hook of your choice, take some twine and cut them to any length of your liking. Next cut the heads of some fake flowers ( I got mine from the dollar store) tie them with twine and you're good to hang them onto your wall!
Enjoyed the project?
Suggested materials:
- Scissors
- Twine (Family Dollar)
- Command Hooks ( at least 3 ) (Target)
- Sheer Cloth or Curtain Scarf (Big Lots)
- White String Lights (optional) (And That!)
Published July 19th, 2017 2:15 AM
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Did you plug the lights into a white extension cord? Did you have any difficulty hiding the cord for the lights? 😇