Mosaic Catio (Cat Patio) Project

The bricked-in area outside of our master bath will be a great place to design a patio for our cats...otherwise known as a catio. We started with a brainstorming session on ways to improve and transform the area and decided on a mosaic pattern for the concrete floor. (Our next project will be whitewashing the brick walls as you can tell they're very moldy and dirty). Update: We're using pool shock in water mixture for bleaching brick walls and it's working...still in progress, and they aren't yet perfect, but you can see pics if you scroll down.
We began by collecting every piece of leftover tile in the garage and even visited some tile shops where the owners gave us leftover and damaged pieces from their inventory.
We used colored chalk to make swirling designs just as a general outline. This probably isn't necessary, it just depends on the look you want.
After scrubbing down the concrete (the only prep we did), we began by simply placing the tile (without thin-set), being aware of the chalk lines created just to get a sense of the direction we wanted to go. We wanted more of an artsy organic look and we tried to keep it simple. It's important to stay laid back about projects or they don't flow. So...if you start getting stressed, stop doing it for a while.
After tiles were in place, we began applying thin-set mortar from the back brick wall, moving backwards. You don't want to sit where you've just worked, so be aware of your starting place! (Removing any unnessesary cats as you go along)
Grout and thin-set need to be the consistency of brownie batter. That has worked best for us. If it's pancake batter consistency, it's too thin! :) You're welcome.
Adding pics as I go along. Aug 13th-This is the progress we made today. (Slight film of grout still visible. Takes a few wipes before all the grout is cleaned off)
It's August 16th and I've decided to share a secret. Bleach didn't work too well, but pool shock does wonders for moldy dirty brick walls. We (Tom, actually) mixed some pool shock in water, applied with a paint roller, and scrubbed with a broom. Here's a BEFORE pic. Below is an AFTER pic. It's still not complete, but better. (Most likely, we will still whitewash the walls)
This catio patio is still a work in progress. We have to consider replacing the pergola that is damaged above the catio (we're thinking about a canopy type material, but suggestions are welcomed) and we still have to whitewash the brick walls. I'll keep you posted!
An almost finished catio! Had a few setbacks during Hurricane Harvey, but finished grouting the rest on Monday and then rolled pool shock (mixed with water) on the brick walls. We might whitewash the brick, still undecided. Now to finish with a trip to the plant store to buy fresh herbs, catnip and some edible flowers that are cat friendly and nourishing. If you have specific questions, just let me know.
Thank you all for following this project and please keep in touch.
~gail, tom and cats.
PS Since this Pandemic has enveloped the world and changed our entire lives, we distracted ourselves with a new mosaic walkway project. It turned out great! I have attached a link to see how we did it. (Part 3 of 3) Please go subscribe to our channel and add some comments or questions on ANY of our videos! We have all sorts of fun videos to share! Just our attempt to share some light and give you ideas for something fun to do! We’re musicians and also have many music covers. Thank you!
This is a Covid-19 project, part 3 of 3. It has been a pleasant distraction from all the grim news lately. We had some leftover tiles and grout in the garage, so why not put them to good use. :)
You can do this too! (Do more fun things)
Frequently asked questions
Have a question about this project?
Does your patio area have an open top? Do you get rain inside of it. I have a very similar patio and mine does get rain and has a drain hole in the bottom for water to run out. It stays fairly wet as i have plants on a drip system. My walls have moss in the summertime. Please update this so we see the long term results.
So when you used the pool shock mixed with water, did you rinse or wipe it off? I have a stone fireplace and am wondering if that mixture might clean it up a little as over the years, some of it has darkened and soap doesn't seem to get it off. What volume did you use of the shock to water? Thanks for the info.
I do so love what you accomplished! How is it holding up to weather? What do you think of durability chances where there is seasonal weather change?