My "Shipwreck" Water Lily Pond

Yvette Gray
by Yvette Gray
What do you do when you find awesome 10 foot long pallets that look like boardwalks and rescue an unloved, cracked and weathered 8 foot boat hull? Turn them into a water garden with a "boat dock" seating area!
The completed boat water garden.
I found this fiberglass boat hull for free on Craigslist so I took her home. I already knew what I wanted to do with this and I liked the "rusty" old weathered interior.
There was a big crack down the back which needed to be repaired.
I found these two awesome huge pallets while driving by a coffee shop on my way to work. Getting them home in my SUV was an adventure in itself but so worth it.
I painted the boat a calming blue/gray color.
I repaired the crack with some epoxy and silicone and gave the boat a new name. I wasn't too concerned about the name being perfectly centered as it wasn't going to be very visable in it's new home.
I purchased this gorgeous tropical water lily named "Key Largo" which opens in the daytime and closes at night. It is a beautiful lavender purple with an orange center.
The lily pads spread out and covered the entire four foot width of the boat.
I also added some water hyacinths which produce beautiful blue flower stalks.
I placed the boat where it appears to have crashed into rocks.
I created boat seats simply by laying boards across the front and back of the boat.
Finally, I placed cinder blocks under both ends of the pallet to elevate it and make it level. This is now a "boat dock" seating area.
View from the back.
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  • Crafty Little Hippy Crafty Little Hippy on Jun 19, 2023

    Love the creativity!! Has it held up pretty well?

  • Carey Marshall Carey Marshall on Dec 04, 2023

    I really like this idea as well!! I have always thought that it would be nice to use one to plant flowers in, but I like this even better. I put goldfish in my pond and they kept my water nice and clean, and fertilized the Lilies as well.
