New Patio Table From Old One

(IC: homeowner)
3 Materials
We needed a patio table that would wrap around the post in our pergola. We got a free old table that my husband cut in half and used leftover tile from other projects. It cost just $20 for the thin set and the small glass tiles for the wrap around.
It was cut in half.
Than it was put back together
Tiled using leftover pieces.
Close-up of pieces
After the thin set was dry, grout for showers was used.
Competed patio table!
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Published April 20th, 2015 6:15 AM
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2 of 100 comments
Margie Hood on Jul 30, 2019
Oh Lydia your sitting area looks so inviting
where i live here in Arkansas ,in the ozarks right now im heading for the dog days of summer and my grass
even with watering
it doesnt help... yours looks so lush and green..and if i may say you and your hubby look like a perfect match and Im happy you have a man that works hard in your pretty yard for you..
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I love it! How did he repair the metal frame