No More Coconut Liners for My Hanging Baskets! 2017

I always have hanging baskets, all over the place! On stands, on my trees anywhere I can find a place that needs some color, and every year have to replace the coconut liners, this year they had gone up to $4 a piece 🙄 You can buy a new basket and liner for $5.00! It was going to cost me a fortune this year, I use to get them at the Dollar Tree for $1.00, but that still adds up when you have a lot of hanging baskets! And then there is the dreaded don't to forget to water them everyday in this Arkansas heat they dry out fast and there is nothing worse than killing a plant right off the top of the season, so I created a heat tolerant , permanent liner and well maybe once in a while I might put a new coconut liner in but that is a big maybe, lol, but not every year anymore! Save $$$ to buy more plants!
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UPDATE: since posting this I have started using oilcloth ( vinyl table cloth material for those who aren’t ancient like me lol). And have found that it lasts so much better! I am on the 3rd year with it and still holding up great! It is so inexpensive and so many colorful patterns to choose from. Keep your eye open for end of season clearance sales and you can get a premade tablecloth for really cheap or just buy it by the yard at most Walmart’s for like $3.00 a yard
glad everyone is enjoying this tutorial and thanks!
Shelter down , stay safe and God Bless
2024 - time to make new ones ! Can’t believe how long these lasted !
For my baskets I cut a 20" x 20" burlap piece
Folded it in half to make a triangle
Folded it over again and cut off the odd end
Now I have a circle to start my liner
Measured around my basket which was 44"
Cut a 45" piece of burlap wreath ribbon, add an inch for your 1/2" seam allowance.
Sew the ends of your ribbon together first and if you are using wired ribbon , best if you pull and cut a few inches out of the ends. Sewing machine needles and floral wire aren't very compatible!
Pin your ribbon or edging face down on to the burlap
I quarterd out my ribbon and burlap and then kept doing sections at a time until all that was left was a little section then just made a little pleat. I tried to do basting so it would be a subtle gathering but that is just too much work for a plant hanger and besides I always get threads cuts ( worse than a paper cut) when pulling the basting threads. Lol besides it's just going to hold dirt, no reason to get it perfect!
All pinned and ready to sew.
Sew the ribbon face down onto the burlap. I used carpet and button thread a lot more durable than regular thread. I thought about using clear filament thread ( like fishing line) but my sewing machine doesnt like it very well, so anyway button and carpet is good , since it will be outside in the heat, I figured it would last better.
Remove chains from basket and put your new pretty plant liner in the basket!
Now take a diaper, I always buy the cheapest ones I can find cause I go through a lot of them. Cut it down and take off all the elastic and tabs and lay in one solid piece or cut in half and put 2 short pieces side by side.
I buy a lot of diapers because I always soak them and add the gel inside to all my potting soil, that stuff is amazing for retaining water, keeps my plants moist along time, and cuts down so much on watering plants.
Now put your old tattered coconut liner from last years hanging plants inside and attach your chains at 12:00-4:00-8:00. They poke through the burlap very easily! I made some edging with regular fabric and had to cut a little hole in them to get the hook through.
Waa Laa! Add your flowers of your choice, I choose marigolds of herbs usually for this location because of the mosquito factor but put pansy's in the winter time so I always have color! Add some more dirt with diaper gel mixed in and you have a pretty hanging basket that will last a lot longer than a coconut liner and is pretty much drought tolerant.
Here is the complete hanger, 2 with the burlap edging, 2 with fabric scraps I used to make edging! Right by my back door that has a pet door on the outside storm door. That is why I use the marigolds here. Have to deter those little pests as much as possible because my big German Shepherd keeps that door very active! Lol
Final cost of all 4 liners about $4.00.
Burlap $1 - burlap edging $2 - scrap material $0. - 4 diapers $1. And it
took me about 20 minutes to construct one lining.
Hope you all enjoyed this and try it out! 👍🏼😊
Happy Spring Gardening! 💐🌷🍄🌻🌺🌼
Updated oilcloth liners
Updated to oilcloth and it has outlasted the burlap starting year 4 with it.
burlap = 2 years
oil cloth= 5 years
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Sandra on Mar 24, 2023
What a great idea. I have a long planter out front, and the Florida sun does it’s jobs on the plants and the grass lining. This is going out there this year and I will try the diaper idea as a liner and in the dirt. Thanks for such a great idea.
Lora Taylor Hyatt on Mar 25, 2023
Your welcome! I hope it works well for you!
Jane Gottlieb on Jun 08, 2023
WAA LA ….. you must mean voila ( French) for
”here it is!” I had a friend many years ago that said the same thing.
Frequently asked questions
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I think I'm still confused but great idea. We here in the SW only get about 9-10 in of rain per year and no humidity. I water every other day. I use miracle Grow with moisture pellets but I will try this. BUT do I just lay the diaper in the pot? OR do I open the diaper? Sounds messy
What kind of gel do u use and do u mix it into the soil?
How often do you have to water the planters in summer if there is no rain?