No-Sew Pleated Curtains

Create designer look triple-pleat curtains without a single stitch! Use iron-on adhesive and fabric glue for an easy alternative to designer-look pleated curtains.
How closely your pleats are spaced will affect how much your material "shrinks" upon inserting the pleater hooks, so determine how far apart you want the pleats. I tested with a piece of pleating tape and hooks to see how much the tape "shrunk" with the spacing I wanted and determined the width of panels I needed based upon that shrinkage. Also take into consideration the mounting location for the curtains. Allow 2 extra inches on each side of each panel for a hem, 4 extra inches at the top, and 2-4 inches at the bottom depending on whether you use drapery weights.
After determining the appropriate width for each panel before hemming and pleating, cut the material and lay out on a flat surface where you will be able to iron the edges. Fold the top edge over to create a 4" hem.
Insert a strip of 3/4" wide heat adhesive on the inside of the fold where the edge of the material meets the panel all along the top hem. Iron sufficiently to create a bond. Fold side edges over approximately 1" (just enough to cover a strip of adhesive which should be inserted into the fold) and iron accordingly. In the bottom hem, if desired, place drapery weights evenly spaced through the panel, place adhesive strip over the tab to hold in place, fold material over and iron in place.
Using a consistent amount of fabric glue along the top, bottom, and middle of the back of the top hem, adhere pleating tape (ensuring the pocket side is facing out and down towards the bottom hem), press firmly and allow to dry for at least 6 hours, preferably longer.
After allowing ample time for the glue to adhere and dry, carefully begin inserting the hooks at the desired spacing. Remember to take into account the end hooks that will be inserted into the very last pocket on each side of the panels.
Hang the curtains as desired and admire your work!
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How to hang curtains on 3 windows