Oh No, Uneven Curtains! And, I Don't Like to Sew.

Once I hung my curtains up I realized that I either bought mismatched sizes or the curtains were not made correctly. Either way it was time to revamp them.
No kidding, this is how they hang!
Even the lace top, which I love, is crooked.
After I had the curtains up using my single rod, I discovered this valance in a catalog and took a chance. The colors blend and the material is sheer. I started using just the valance because I only had the single rod and I really liked the design. Then I had the idea of using the old fashioned metal rods as a way to use the original curtains.
Really like this sweet flower.
Once I solved my single v. double rod problem I was ready to tackle the uneven hem.
First, while the curtains were hanging on the rod I measured from the floor up and marked (do not use a marker; use chalk) each curtain panel where I wanted my extension to sit on the panel. My cats have snagged the curtain but this material just stretches back out.
I also numbered the panels 1 through 4 because I wanted to return the panels in the order I measured from the floor.
Next, using material I already had I measured the width of the panel and added 1" (1/2" on each side) for side hem. Then I measured down 14 1/2" plus 2" for a hem and another 1" (1/2" on each side) to roll over. After cutting four extensions I pressed (be sure to make a good crease as it comes in handy when applying the tape) all sides of each extension with a 1/4" roll over. My hem is 2" because I was limited by how much material I had to work with.
Next using my mark has a guide I pinned from that point across the panel and then measured 14 1/2" down to where I folded up my 2" hem.
I did a trial run with the pins in to see if I had the length right. Yay. Next step, because I didn't want to stitch on the sheer material, was to use fabric fuse to finish the extension. It is machine washable and dryer safe. I used two packages for this project.
At first I thought this was double sided tape. It is not. I started with my #1 panel and because I didn't read the instructions twice (you know measure twice and cut once) I put the tape on the material and not my rolled edge I was going to press down. Having done this I got off my mark and some of the fusion goo was above my finished edge. I'm hoping it dries and flakes off.
I got out my cardboard graph for sewing and cutting to lay my panel on which helped a lot in keeping a handle on the slippery sheer material.
Now that I figured out the correct way (!!) to apply the tape the project went a lot faster. I pulled my roll over sides toward me and applied the tape on the rolled edge and then pulled the tape off (which leaves the sticky goo on the edge) and then folded up my edges.
Use your index finger to push the material down so the sticky goo sticks to both materials as you pull the tape across! Try not to get any goo on your fingers because it is very sticky and I ended up shifting my material on occasion because I touched the material where I should not have.
Finished panels. So much better and so easy. I would not hesitate to use the fusion tape again as there are no stitching marks to worry about or worry whether all of the edges are caught as you stitch.
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Made Rodcas on Feb 04, 2019
I've done this before is a great idea. Even if you buy curtain and they wind up being shorter than you expected just add to it makes it look more expensive also..ty fire sharing 😁
- See 2 previous
Lovesunique on Feb 04, 2019
You're welcome. I agree, the curtains do look a bit "high end" now!!
Linda Ferro on Feb 12, 2019
I have the very same sheers. I purchased mine from WalMart about fifteen years ago. They have always been my favorite! I didn't have the problem with mine that you did...you did a lovely job!
Lovesunique on Feb 15, 2019
I love them too (even more now).
Lovesunique on Feb 11, 2019
Thanks Jo!
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From where did you order the valance? Diana