Our Pool Deck Project

Traci V
(IC: homeowner)
We hired professionals to install a used pool we bought from my sister, then designed and built our deck!
Almost done - now there is a step from ground to lower deck - about 6 feet wide.
Day 1 - laying out the concrete pads for the 4x4s
Framing the upper level of the pool deck
day two - framing the lower deck
First deck boards go on.
End of day one - upper deck complete except for railings.
end of day two, lower deck complete. Next will be steps, railings and gate.
It has turned into a deck-a-saurus! (Summer 2016)
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Published July 7th, 2012 5:40 PM
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2 of 11 comments
Marc Didemus on Jul 18, 2017
Your lucky being able to use deck blocks. In our municipality any deck over 4' high you have to use big feet and sono tubes. Way more expensive.
Frequently asked questions
Have a question about this project?
Is the floor 2 X 6 or 2 X 8
Do you have a supply list I want to do this but don’t know what to get.
Where are the actual instructions for this deck?