Outdoor Living Patio Area (Before & After)

(IC: professional)
2 Materials
3 Weeks
This Outdoor Living Patio Area project included installation of new patio area, pergola, front and side walkways, and lighting as per our design. As you can tell from the before pictures we basically started with a blank canvas. A small existing patio was removed and a masterpiece was created. Installed was approximately 530 square feet of patio area with a landing step area at the rear door. We used Techo-Bloc ‘Blu 60 Smooth’ pavers for the patio area as well as the front walkway. The existing Front and side walks were removed prior to the hardscape installation. Outdoor kitchen, fire pit, and step were all constructed with Techo-Bloc ‘Graphix’ wall stone. Fire pit and step capped with Techo-Bloc ‘Graphix’ Cap. The Outdoor kitchen is topped with a custom marble counter top. 38? grill and 38? double access door were installed in kitchen area. The Pergola is constructed using Western Red Cedar and stained to compliment the hardscaping. Low voltage LED lighting that was installed includes, under cap lighting on step and kitchen; up lights on trees (2 lights each); and a 150 watt transformer. Landscape beds and new plants were installed around the new patio area. The Landscaping included, mulching of new landscape beds, Repair, grade, and seeding damaged lawn areas as well as Trimming existing Hydrangea and Boxwoods. This Outdoor living patio area was installed in Lancaster, PA.
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Enjoyed the project?
Suggested materials:
- Pavers
- Plants
Published January 9th, 2018 10:15 AM
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1 comment
Phi53594888 on Apr 13, 2023
I don't understand posts like this that provide no instructions or answers to questions
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Very nice patio! 🌟 It is, PERFECT!! May I ask, how did you mount your pergola down, through the pavers? Also, is the pergola made of wood, because it looks like metal in the photo.