Painted Brick Fireplace-Farmhouse Inspiration

For over 20 years I've dreamed of living in an old farmhouse, and I'm not going to sit here and complain about not being able to live that dream just yet, because I'm Beyond Blessed. I enjoy the challenge of giving a plain house character. So this 1974 ranch has had many looks, and a few have been since I've lived here :)
I originally painted the brick fireplace when we remodeled the kitchen several years ago. You can find the original How To here
If you follow me you already know that I recently updated my kitchen island with faux brick. You can see that post here
How I did it:
After thoroughly vacuuming the brick, I painted the grout lines with Alamo White in small sections, then used a slightly damp rag to spread paint over the entire section. You can see how I did it in the below video. It really was as easy as it sounds.
It took me an hour and 10 min to paint the brick and less than 8 oz. of paint. So this project cost me less than $10.00...Woo Hoo!!
More details on our blog.
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Donna Griffiths on Jul 30, 2017
Looks awesome! Well done...💙
Shabby Paints on Jul 31, 2017
Shabby Paints on Aug 02, 2019
I'm all about some coral 😍
Frequently asked questions
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This is to ask you how to make a water fall with 1 barrel and 2 half barrel,s. I've been looking and asking how to do one. Please help me
What color blue did you use on the walls? Gorgeous look!
What color was used on the solid grey fireplace? The brand too please. thanks