How to Paint Faux Trim on Closet Doors

The Sweetest Digs
(IC: blogger)
2 Materials
1 Hour
Do you have any of these closet doors in your house? You know, the sort of flimsy sliding kind? Well I do. And they happen to be in our master bedroom. I couldn't handle looking at these ugly things anymore, so I decided to paint the sliding closet doors with a faux trim effect. Here's what I did:
First step was to wash down the doors to remove any residue or dust. I didn't need to sand since these doors aren't wood, but if you have wooden closet doors you would want to use a medium and then fine grit sandpaper to prep the surface for paint (like these 3M Advanced Abrasives). To wash down the doors I just used some basic soap and water. If they had been glossy or had some other finish, a de-glosser might have been necessary. Then I needed to measure out where I wanted the rectangular boxes to go.
To see how I measured out and created my boxes with painter's tape, click through to see the full tutorial. And I even have a video too!
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Suggested materials:
- Painter's tape (hardware store)
- Paint (Benjamin Moore)

Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
Published October 20th, 2015 1:51 AM
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2 of 93 comments
Lillian Welch on Jan 08, 2018
This inspires me. I think I will do this with my mirrored closet doors. solid back ground, color coordinated painted trim and then a pretty stensil in the center of each door. I have mirrored closet doors and I hate them, this just might be my answer. Thanks for the inspiration.
Tracy Mccann on Aug 27, 2018
U can buy,like a glass frosting contact paper.just type it in on eBay.....loads of different patterns 2 choose from hope this is of help 2 sum1
Frequently asked questions
Have a question about this project?
I have 3 mirrored sliding glass doors on my closet, can you paint these to look like that women did, if so what kind of paint do you use? Do you have to seal it so it won't peel?