Planter Box

We had some planter boxes in our front flowerbed that were made out of scrap wood from an old fence. While being beautiful, they weren’t terribly practical and started falling apart. So, I decided to build a box that would wrap around the existing ones and last much longer.
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To begin, I took a 4x4 cedar board and cut a 2”x2” section out of one corner.
This is what it should look like. The larger portion will be the corners of my planter box.
Next I cut 2x6 cedar boards into 3 foot runs. To assemble, I just put two 4x4 (corner pieces) spaced apart with on of the small 2x2’s in the center to help brace the boards.
I used 2 1/2” wood screws to attach the boards. 2 screws per board held really well for me.
Once I had the front put together, I cut my side boards to about 24” so that they would cover my existing boxes and the back end would be up against the house.
Because this isn’t a true ‘box’ and I’m planning to basically set it around the existing boxes I left off the back. However, if you wanted a full box you would just repeat the steps to make the back side. 😊
Super simple project that will last much longer than my old boxes and I love the natural color of these cedar boards. Just beautiful.
Frequently asked questions
Have a question about this project?
Did you attach this to the house or does it just sit up against the house?
Is this just wrapping existing plants or is it somehow filled or raising other plants?
Love it! I have same question as above. This hides the original box?! Love it