Planting Hanging Baskets for Our Queens Platinum Jubilee

Hello everyone.
Today I've been planting fresh hanging basket's for our garden.
It's our queens platinum jubilee this year in June.
I thought I'd make my hanging baskets blue, white and red for the jubilee.
To celebrate for the queen.
Below are my hanging baskets Im
using people use these as strawberry planters.
They are good for a full round bloom these work very well.
You can remove the clip on grid brackets that's secures the plant to each hole.
And chains it makes it easier to work with
All have been removed above.
Just pop it out.
Like so.
Place them to one side to place back on,
Once the plant as been potted in each hole
Below I'm useing pelargonium. It's a great plant with a abundance of flowers
Beautiful red
Below my trailing blue lobelia
This grows very well on the coast
It will grow very well trailing very long looking very full.
A lovley plant for hanging baskets
My white trailing lobelia
This will grow just like the blue lobelia.
So that's my colours for the queen jubilee.
Here goes.
You will need=
*A good compost
*Perlite for drainage
*Fish blood and bone. (Organic feed)
I half fill the container with compost adding 4 handfuls of perlite
Like so
My magic feed
I add two good handfuls of fish blood and bone this will feed the baskets.
Throughout summer
Give it all a good mix add more perlite if necessary
I've used my compost bag I cut the corner and placed it in the basket as a liner,
I use scissors to cut the spaces.
Below where my finger is poking through I'll start with the 1st plant.
I will add blue an white all around the basket
Add you flowers
I start with blue the next will be white
Untill I fill the bottom level
This is how it will look.
Attach your black clips holders back on now.
Secure the 4 that's planted like below.
Now so it dont get to boring or long.
Add some of your compost mix to the 4 plants covering the roots
Then repeat the same process till it looks like below
White and blue trailing lobelia
Cover with more soil
Time to add the top plant
Loosen the roots softly and plant securely in the middle of your basket usin more soil to earth it up.
If you can still see the liner trim it with scissors to make it look neat.
This will grow 30/35 cms so it will fill this top of the basket
All done.
Attach your chains back on to hang it.
The trailing lobelia cascades white and blue flowers throught the summer the pelargonium, abundance of red flowers also throughout summer
My colours will work well for our queens plantiam jubilee
Give them a good watering.
I have placed them in a sunny place where there is no wind to promote healthy growth, before I will place them out by the front door.
They will look more fuller in a week or so.
Now it's time to watch the flowers grow.
The queens platinum jubilee is June.
These will blooming in june looking bigger, red white and blue. The flowers should look lovley.
I looked on Amazon and got the idea to make a hanging basket in the colours for the queens platinum jubilee.
The prices struck me and I thought I can make one cheaper.
Once they bloom i will update a picture Below I made two :)
God save the queen,
Shes been in my heart since she lost her husband.
Poor woman.
Thank you for reading
A month later looking beautiful hanging in the middle of the garden from a old bird feeder
8th sept 2022
God bless our queen.
May she rest in peace!
The Jubilee hanging baskets.😔
70 years being the queen was a major achievement.
I am pleased to look at this project and think the baskets turned out beautiful and they were for the queen Elizabeth.
Not that she would ever vist my home to see them.
pleased I put effort into the jubilee.
It was historically.
Gob bless the queen.
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Suggested materials:
- Trailing lobelia white (Morrisons)
- Trailing lobelia blue (Morrisons)
- Pelargonium (Morrisons)
- Hanging planters (Amazon)
- Soil (Garden shop)
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CumbriaClassic-TimeSavingTips on May 09, 2022
Thank you Aimee :)
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