Plastic Pink Flower Pot Gets a Face Lift

Stephanie Coon/Rehab to Fab
(IC: blogger)
3 Materials
I picked up this gorgeous Lavender plant and fell in love with its cuteness but hated the pink flower pot. Yes I could of bought a new pot for it but I knew I could transform the boring pink pot into something breath taking.
Before and After
The plant sits inside a typical black pot that drains inside the pink pot but you could still transform a pot that has the plant truly IN it. I would suggest using a out door/water resistant top coat to seal it.
I glued a silicone applique (you can purchase it through Efex) around the top of the pot. To give it some character.
Here you can see the process I used to give it a stone effect. L to R: I used Heirloom Traditions paint (chalk type paint) in Nickel mixed with a product by Heirloom Traditions called Venetian Texture Medium. It thickens your paint and gives it texture. I then stippled (research the term) the paint on the pot. I let it dry completely and then sealed it with a water based top coat. I then watered down 2 colors in HTP's Vintiques paint line, Dearly Distressed and Steamer Trunk. Which gave it that aged look in the middle photo. I then highlighted the high points with Nickel and a silver gilding wax.
This stuff feels like butter!
Up close look.... Texture heaven!
This pot is not pink or boring any longer! You'd never know it was plastic.
The plastic pot bends and flexes without a problem when moved.
Now I have a pot that is equally as beautiful as my Lavender plant!
Enjoyed the project?
Suggested materials:
- Heirloom Traditions Paint (
- Efex appliques (
- Lavender Plant (

Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
Published April 14th, 2016 9:44 AM
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2 of 68 comments
Lin1263925 on Jan 26, 2021
Wow I e done these using homemade texture such as caulking , coffee grinds which added great color as well but this I have to say BRAVO absolutely beautiful
Frequently asked questions
Have a question about this project?
Is this pot for outside gardens too? I just bought 15 old flower pots off of Craigslist and I wanted to redo them, but they are for my patio. Will this paint hold up to our Colorado summers?
I looked on the Heirloom Traditions Paint website and couldn't find the color "Nickel" listed, nor the Venetian Texture Medium. This must be an old post since those items are not listed for sale least not that I could find. Love the pots, but don't know how to duplicate them with currently available products. Any suggestions??
I have ceramic outdoor pots that I love the shape but not the glaze color. Can you use this on glazed pots.