Create a Pool Storage Pallet for Pennies on the Dollar

Pallet DIYs are all the rage right now! This simple project will create a pool storage unit from a pallet and some basic DIY supplies. It’s up to you how fancy you want to make it, but in my step-by-step tutorial I’ll show you how to create a basic pool storage unit out of a pallet and a few hooks. Get ready for hours of summer fun without worrying about where to hang towels and bathing suits to dry!
Tools and Materials:
- Pallet
- Spray paint (or a stain if you prefer)
- Cup hooks (you can use whatever kinds of hooks you like)
I chose to use a spray paint that has a primer built in already, but you can really paint your pallet however you see fit. You could even stain it if you like! I wanted mine to be brightly colored, so I chose a stunning turquoise spray paint for my project. I applied a few coats of spray paint to my pallet and let it dry completely. Make sure that whenever you work with spray paint you do so in a well-ventilated area and protect anything you don’t want to get paint on. I’ve found it best to work outside with a tarp or trash bags underneath the piece I’m painting to protect the concrete.
Once the pallet was completely dry, I brought it back inside and added a few hooks. I chose to go with cup hooks that already had screws coming out of the back.
If needed, drill a pilot hole first and then screw it in, however I found that the wood was soft enough for me to just screw it straight into the pallet.
You can embellish this pallet in any way you like, with vinyl transfers or decorative hooks. You could even paint your hooks to match your pallet or in a contrasting color.
There are so many different ways you can use this pallet to store your pool toys and towels! I’ve found it convenient to slip pool noodles into the frame. And you don’t even have to screw it into the wall! It sits nicely propped up against a wall. Of course, if you want it to be more secure you can always screw it into the wall if needed.
How would you make use of this nifty pool storage pallet? Let me know in the comments below!
Frequently asked questions
Have a question about this project?
i like the idea my concern about the dust
Do I need to take "doors" off first?
Where do y’all get your pallets.