Pottery Barn "Inspired" Abbott Island & Hutch Set

Tamela Bowie Interiors
(IC: professional)
I always love a challenge, so when I found a palette outside of my local FedEx store, it inspired me to re-create the Pottery Barn's Abbott Island & Hutch Set.
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Here is my version of the Pottery Barn Abbott Island & Hutch set (it retails for around $2248.00) but my recreation only cost $20.00 for the addition of the plywood to the table top. I repurposed my gift wrapping table to serve as the island base.
I added a shelf to the top of the palette along with a small shelf in the inside. The small shelf is holding my wine glasses.
The bottom shelf is the self-serving station. My plans are to use this set whenever I am entertaining in my home or outdoors on my deck.
Close up view of the drink serving area.
This is the right side of the serving area which holds the food and dishware.
The bottom shelf on the table is where the spirits and a bucketful of chilled water bottles are stored.
It was this palette that I found outside of my local FedEx store that was my inspiration to recreate the Pottery Barn Abbott Island & Hutch Set.
Here is the Pottery Barn Abbott Island & Hutch Set.
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Published July 16th, 2015 10:10 AM
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2 of 12 comments
Pamela.raffel on Jun 27, 2017
Chr2061927 on Jul 16, 2017
I thought yours was the the Pottery Barn item! Looks very clean and professionally done.
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