PVC Pipe Curtain Rods

Lets talk about curtain rods! They can be costly, especially when you have a large space that requires long lengths for rods. I've got a great solution for an inexpensive DIY curtain rod, that certainly wont break the bank!
This is a very basic DIY and one that will make a huge impact in your home and not your bank account! Here are the items that you'll need in order to create these:
- PVC Conduit
- L Bracket
- Nuts
- 1/2" Machine Screws
- Conduit Strap
- Corner Piece if you need to go around a corner!
- Matte Black Spray Paint
That is all you need to create these simple curtain rods! My room is 30 feet long and 12' deep, so I needed quite a few of the PVC conduit tubes. They come in 10 foot lengths, so measure what you need and then order the lengths you need.
Since these are made out of PVC they are very easy to cut down to size, you can use a hand saw or a chop saw.
Each end of the conduit tubes looks like the below, and that is so that each piece fits perfectly with the next!
First, you will need to create the brackets that will support the rods. The image below shows the pieces for the rod bracket put together.
You need the L bracket, machine screw, machine nut and the conduit strap. In order to create this, you put the conduit strap under the last hole on the L bracket, and then you put the 1/2" screw through both and secure it with the machine nut.
If you are going to be using a straight 10 foot length, I would suggest three for each 10 foot stretch.
Once you have made all the brackets you need, then lay them in a box and spray them the color you want the rods to be, in my case I used matte black.
Make sure to spray all sides, underneath and top just so there is not silver showing through. Below is the brackets of mine all painted.
Now that the brackets were complete, I took to painting the conduit with the same spray paint I used for the brackets. I laid them down on a piece of cardboard and sprayed each of the sides, making sure to get even coverage on all.
Here is an image of them before and after, the matte black turned out perfect and was exactly what I was looking for!
I only needed straight pipes, as my room didn't have any corners, however I did add in the list above a corner piece that can be used in rooms that require a turn!
Now that all the pieces are painted you can now hang them in your location! I used sheet rock screws to hang them up, just to make sure they really caught into the wood, I would recommend using wall anchors and the appropriate screws if you are not catching into a stud.
I was hanging mine on the my porch, below are some images of them in the space!
And that is it, SUPER simple and totally achievable by all! Plus the cost was very inexpensive!
If you have any questions or need help just leave a comment here!
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Sue Isbell on Jun 06, 2022
Rickey Wallis on Jun 26, 2022
Greater idea, thanks for sharing
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Did you add anything to the ends of the curtain rods? Maybe you could use decorative drawer knobs.
Looks great! I'm wondering if I would like the hardware painted white to blend in with the wall? Not sure, but I love it.
I'm wondering how easy is it to come apart at certain places to wash the curtains?