Animal Xmas ornament ideas?
Any Creative Animal Ornament Ideas for Christmas?

I’ve seen some adorable animal xmas ornaments popping up lately, and now I’m hooked!
Have any of you made or bought unique animal-themed ornaments for your tree?
I’d love some ideas to try, especially if they involve a DIY twist.
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Use some felt for ears and do a puppy, you can get a pack of eyes at the dollar tree. Then sharpie the other features. A cat, not sure how you could do the ears - maybe pipe cleaners and hot glue them on. Reindeer is another cute one. My daughter made reindeer about 25 years ago on clear ornament balls and then filled with different colors of glitter.
Trace animal shapes from coloring books or other places and then transfer to felt squares for soft ornaments. You can quickly glue on eyes, noses, ears, etc. using white school glue. If you want you can cut two felt pieces and glue the edges toether, leaving small area to add stuffing to make a 3-dimensional animal. Great fun project for the kiddies and you'll see a lot of different looking animals. s
I make dough ornments with cookie cutters then paint them and seal with spray lacquer.
Hi Emma: What I do is get some candy canes, glue on some jiggly eyes, a small puff ball for the nose and then at the top, by the curve, I wrap some pipe cleaners around it and bend them to look like antlers :) If you're talking about something for inside of the bulb, then get some small resin or plastic animals. If they are too big to fit into the opening, cut them in half and use long tweezers and glue them back together. I do this often :)
Hi Emma, you can make cute ones with felt and a few beads, hope this inspires you.
My mom used cinnamon sticks, googlie eyes, and ribbon to make reindeers one year. I’ve used felt and cut shapes. Pinecones work well or other natural materials glued together.